Stem Cell Therapy For Optic Nerve Atrophy In Dubai
Why Use Stem Cell Therapy for Optic Nerve Atrophy?
Depending on the condition of the patient the strategy is set very precisely and injection of mesenchymal stem cells is done with one or two sessions keeping in mind all the safety retro-bulbar is used to inject these stem cells in the damaged part. By treating the core causes, healthcare professionals may slow the disease’s progression. Although stem cell therapy shown to establish damaged optic nerve cells, it is currently the only established treatment for this disorder.
This optic nerve atrophy treatment in Dubai could restore some of the lost eyesight and prevent further degeneration or complete vision loss. If you wear safety glasses that can protect you from harsh environments and will protect your good eye when one eye is the only one affected by optic atrophy. Long-term injury to optic nerve fibers from a variety of sources might cause atrophy of the optic nerve, blindness and other irreversible visual problems can result from optic atrophy.
Symptoms of Optic Nerve Atrophy:
• A loss in eyesight sharpness or blurriness.
• Vision problems in the outer regions.
• Eyesight problems in colour
Stem Cell Therapy For Optic Nerve Atrophy In Dubai:
Retinal ganglion cells from stem cells can help you in recovery and improvement of nerve function for optic nerve atrophy, if use optic nerve stem cell treatment then it can be cured quickly. Children who require glasses in order to have the greatest vision possible may be prescribed them. Tinted lenses or magnifier glasses may also improve eyesight.