Glaucoma Optic Atrophy is an eye disease that is caused by damage to the optic nerve and vision which degenerates with time leading to blindness. Let us compare stem cell therapy with traditional treatments with regards to the mode of action, efficacy, safety and patients’ experience. Conventional Management of Glaucoma Optic Neural Damage Conventional treatment
Optic atrophy is a serious diagnosis which can be terrifying for the patient. Stem cell treatment is a new hope in these cases. This revolutionary approach not only work for regaining vision but also makes patients engaged into the process of their recovery. With its focus on clinical information, this blog aims to guide patient
Stargardt’s or macular dystrophy affects vision and quality of life so the majority of patients are considering advanced treatment such as stem cell therapy. Due to the fact that stem cell treatments are relatively recent the choice of a clinic is critical. Here are three ways through which you can evaluate clinics about stem cell
Stem Cell treatment for Retinitis pigmentosa in Yemen Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of hereditary diseases that affect the retina and photoreceptors that cause progressive constriction of the visual fields and ultimate blindness. In the past, there has not been much that could be done to cure RP since most therapies focused on treating